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All award winners

This is just a collated list of all the various award winners in the 4545 and LoneWolf season reports that you can find here.1

About this page

  • This page was last compiled on 17 August 2021.
  • Its contents are presented purely for general interest. They are not guaranteed to be comprehensive, complete, accurate, or up to date. They may be periodically revised to incorporate updates and bugfixes.
  • All statistics based on Lichess game data do not account for games that lasted less than 5 plies (half-moves), games that ended in a disconnection or by “cheat detected”, games that were aborted, and games that started from a custom position.,
  • Former league players that were determined by Lichess to have violated their Terms of Service when this report was compiled should not appear in any detailed statistics. However, some may still appear in lists of season winners and top finishers.
  • Homepage / source code
  • Acknowledgements: Noun Project for the award icons; Simon Ilincev for chess_graph, which produces the openings sunburst plots.

  1. For now, you’ll need to refer to a season report to find the definitions of some of the more obscurely named awards.) Note that this table currently doesn’t show: (i) players who finished with a podium position in LoneWolf or who played on a podium-finishing team in the 4545 league; (ii) players who topped their board-specific performance rating table in the 4545 league (min. 4 games played); (iii) players who earned “honourable mentions” (because we can’t all be winners). These three things probably belong here but will take some work to transfer. The table also doesn’t include winners of team-based awards such as the Egalitarian and Team Accuracy Awards.↩︎