Round summary

4545 Team League: Season 29 Round 3


This round’s games were played between 7 February 2022 and 14 February 2022.

477 players participated.

25 teams played 100 matches over the season’s eight weeks. 7 matches (7%) were drawn, and 26 (26%) were won by just a single point.

In all, 239 games were played in the season. The round’s ‘unplayed pairing’ rate was 76.1%.1

White won 102 games (42.7%), 43 games (18%) were drawn, and Black won 88 games (36.8%). The right-hand chart shows game results by colour for each board or average rating band.2

Match stories Click here to see the story of every match in the round.

Stats - overview

Timing 📊

Length 📊

Most moves

Includes games ranked at or above the 90th percentile by number of moves.

Longest games

Includes games ranked at or above the 90th percentile by total clock time.3

Stats - by board/rating

ACPL and blunder rate 📊

Lowest combined ACPL

The games with the lowest combined ACPL (including draws).

Decisive games only

The decisive games with the lowest combined ACPL.


First moves 📊

Top openings

All openings played in the round, excluding variations.


  1. There are several reasons why a pairing might not end up being played, including scheduling difficulties, a lack of available replacements, or one of the players not showing up at the start time!↩︎

  2. The number of games played in this statistic can differ from the number of games played in the season, as it excludes games where the result of the pairing was later changed to a forfeit win or loss.↩︎

  3. A game’s total clock time is the sum of both players’ move times from move 2 onwards.↩︎

  4. For example, this report excludes from its analysis all games of less than 5 plies (half-moves), games that ended in a disconnection or by “cheat detected”, games that were aborted, and games that started from a custom position.↩︎

  5. However, players who were banned from the Lichess4545 leagues after finishing a season in the top three places are still shown with a podium place in that season’s report.↩︎


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